Recovery Groups*






Twin Cities

AA– Check out for a location

Celebrate Recovery– Christ centered Recovery Program locator map

Made in Christ– Jesus and the 12 Steps. This is a co-ed group. We want to support you no matter where you are in your recovery. This meeting occurs weekly at Grace in the City Church

Plugged In- Faith based discussion oriented support group with a new topic each Wednesday. Contact David at 612-865-9328

Quest 180° Eagle Brook Church Click for multiple locations

R3– A large compiled database of Recovery and Reentry support groups are the Twin Cities. Click Here to search.

Radical Recovery in Christ– Weekly Christian based recovery meeting Wednesdays at The Payne Reliever Church

Recovery in Christ – Christ centered recovery group in St Paul at Woodland Hills Church, Monday’s in person or online



Celebrate Recovery– Christ centered Recovery Program locator map

Duluth- Celebrate Recovery, Lakeview Covenant Church– Thursdays from 6-9 PM.

Hermantown- In the Wait, Recovery Support– Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM.

Online- Celebrate Recovery, Hillside (The River Church)– Mondays at 6:30 PM.

Superior, WI- Celebrate Recovery (Central Assembly)– Tuesdays at 6 PM



Baxter- Breakfast with Oswald– Come and join as we break bread, pray for one another and read from My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers. Saturdays at 8:30 AM at the Baxter Transitional House, 14706 Grand Oaks Dr., Baxter.

Baxter- Monday Night Ralphisms!– Come and join us Monday nights at 5:15 PM (except 3rd Mondays) as we dive into the Word of God and pray for one another. Bring a snack to share if you can! 14706 Grand Oaks Dr., Baxter

Celebrate Recovery– Christ centered Recovery Program locator map



Celebrate Recovery– Christ centered Recovery Program locator map

Friday Fellowship– a weekly Friday Fellowship for MnTC Alumni. Contact

MNTC led Support Group- Is your life feeling out of control? Come join us for support, life lessons, and a way to get a handle on things every Wednesday at 10AM. Located at Salvation Army library: 115 1st Ave NE Rochester, MN. 507.288.3663

Zumbrota– AA meetings at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, 749 Soth Main St. Sunday’s 4-6PM (Walking through the Big Book)

Zumbrota– AA meetings at United Redeemer Lutheran Church. Tuesday’s at 7PM & Women’s AA Thursdays at 12PM in the church basement.

Pine Island– AA meetings at St. Michael’s Catholic Church (Prairie side room), Friday’s at 7PM.



*This list has been provided by our alumni. If you are an alumnus and attend a Recovery Group not listed here that would be welcoming to other alumni, please recommend it to us: